Have a rare Pokémon card or a vintage Barbie you're not quite sure what to do with and a love of fundraising for charity? Now you can auction off your treasures to the highest bidder for your favorite charity!

**This feature is currently in a closed beta**

Navigating to Auctions

There are two ways to navigate to the Auctions section of your dashboard. The first is by clicking the Auctions section on the left-hand side of your My Hub page. The other is by selecting Auctions from the dropdown in the upper right corner of your dashboard. In the Auction section of your dashboard, you'll be able to create and manage your auction houses.

Creating an Auction House

Click the [Create auction house] button in the Auction Houses section of the Auctions area to create an Auction House. 

You'll then fill out the information for your Auction House. Once you select a Cause to fundraise for, you then can choose to link the auction to a specific event or even one of your fundraising campaigns. Select a name, goal amount, then write a description of your auction house. You also can set how long the winning bidder has to make their payment before moving on to the next highest bidder, between 6 hours and 7 days. If you are ready for your auction to go live right away, click the Publish auction house slider. 

Once you've determined the settings for your Auction house, click the [Create auction house] button and you'll be brought to the auction house dashboard so you can add auction items and manage your auction house.

Want to find other people fundraising with Tiltify? Head over to our official Discord!

Need to start your fundraising journey? Head to Tiltify.com to create your first campaign and support the cause you care about today!