Does your employer offer employee donation matching? If so, we've now added a quick and easy way to fill out your employer donation matching! 


What is Employer Match?

Double the Donation is an option after you've donated through Tiltify that helps streamline the process of requesting your employer match the donation you made. Please note, only employers listed in the search will be available for this option. 

How to Start an Employer Match Request

At the end of the donation form, after completing your donation, there will be the option to [Search employers]. *Note, that this will only appear if the charity has enabled it on their Tiltify Cause Dashboard

This will direct you to an Employer match search. Search for your employer. Once you find your employer, click on their name and you'll be directed to the form for your employer's employee donation matching. 

Once you fill out the form provided by your employer and they process it, your donation will be matched. Please note, if and when the donation match is processed is determined by your employer.

Check Employer Status

If you want to see if your employer will match your donation before you donate, you can search for them using the Employer match search. This can be found in the explore section at the bottom of the Tiltify home page.

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Search for your organization, and, if they do accept donation matching, be sure to read over the requirements before finding a cause to support!

A screenshot of a donation box

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Match Post Donation

Did you already make a donation and miss the prompt to check for employer match? Well, you have a second chance to begin an employer match! This can be found in your user dashboard. In your user dashboard, you will go to [My Account] > [Donations]. If the cause you supported has Employer Match enabled, there will be an option to initiate your employer match. Please note that you have about 30 days to initiate this match.

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The Employer Match feature will help to streamline requesting employer donation match for your donations!