Want to keep track of all the donations you've made? You can do this with your donor account! Download reports of all the donations you've made, or reclaim those hero points you've done while not logged in to your account!


Creating a Donor Account

In order to create a donor account, head over to https://app.tiltify.com/authentication/sign_up.  

You will have the option to either sign up with email and password or through single sign-on with Twitch, Facebook, Twitter, Google, or Discord. After creating a new account you will be sent an email to confirm your account.  It's not required unless you want to fully enjoy all the features of your donor account!

Alternatively, you can create a new account from our sign in page below:

Donor Account Dashboard

When you enter your donor account dashboard, you will have two options: “My account” and “Become a Fundraiser!” All the magic of the donor account happens in the “My account” section, but, if ever you want to become a fundraiser for any of the charities on Tiltify, complete the information in the “Become a Fundraiser!” section to enjoy all of what Tiltify has to offer!


The Personal section is where you can maintain all your personal details, including name, email, and storing address. You can also change your password in this section or delete your account as well (we would be sad to see you go).


This tab is where you can keep track of your hero point...I mean your donations. You can keep track of your donations, manage your monthly giving, generate donation reports, or reclaim donations made while not logged in. You can also save Credit Cards and Bank accounts in the Payment methods section to make donating quicker!

Connect Accounts

With the donor account, the only option under connected accounts is for Single Sign-On. Here, you can manage your sign-on option for your Tiltify donor account. Additionally, you can connect Strava, Fitbit or Garmin to your account. This is useful if you transition to a Fundraiser account and want to use Digital Fitness!

Donation Methods

This tab is where you can save Credit Cards and Bank accounts in the Payment methods section to make donating quicker!
