So it's time to donate! We have created a simple, streamline flow that will take you on a journey. The donation process is versatile for all types of donors, whether you are a livestream fundraiser, a Run/Walk Campaign Organizer, or you just want a quick, easy, and efficient donation button for your favorite cause.
Donation Match Challenge
Create a Donation Match Challenge to see how many others you can get to join in the cause. More information about this can be found in the link!
Donation Incentives
Donation incentives are perks you can select when donating. They are offered by the fundraiser and cause. Rewards, Polls and Targets are all optional incentives you may be able to choose. You may choose multiple rewards, a poll and a target all in one donation. If no incentives are offered, you will not see them as an option.
If rewards are available, you will be offered to select one. These are completely optional and you may skip them to just donate. Our shopping cart style checkout makes it easy and fun to donate You may select multiple rewards on a single donation. Fundraisers may set limits on rewards that are able to be redeemed, so you may be be limited on the number of a reward you may claim.
Be sure to select the rewards desired to receive it. Please note, if a reward offers redemption codes, they will be sent in a separate email from your confirmation email.
Targets & Polls
In addition to rewards, donors can select one of each a target and a poll. Targets are timed goals that a donation can support. Select one to help the fundraiser reach their target. Polls can be questions that have multiple options associated with them. A single donation can go to support a single poll option.
Reminder: the same donation can count towards the reward cart, a target, and a poll.
Your Details
Once you have decided to redeem incentives, the next screen will take you to the Details page. Here, you are required to enter your email address. You may enter a display name that will be public on the fundraiser's page or select the checkbox to remain anonymous. There is also the option to leave a comment if you wish. You can also say if you want to be on the cause’s mailing list (Unchecked by default). If a redeemed reward requires a physical address, you will be required to enter it here. There is also an opportunity to either sign into your account, or, if you do not have an account, create an account.
Some charities may ask for additional information. This is not so they will spam you with unnecessary mailers, but so they have the option to send you donations receipts or (if they so incline) gifts. It may show Gift Aid for organizations in the UK or Canadian Charitable Donations Tax Credit (CDTC) for organizations in Canada. If the organization has one of those options available and you are NOT a resident of those countries, you are not required to provide this information. (Unchecked by default)
When you have entered everything you’re redeeming and the additional information, if you so choose, you can check your donation summary on the left side. Here, you can review all your selections, editing or removing them if needed.
Donation Amount
The final step is deciding how much you are going to donate. The donation total does automatically update as you update your cart. You can also select a pre-determined amount, or you can select [Other] to enter a custom amount. When you have verified your total, enter your payment information, and complete your donation.
Donating on Tiltify is more than just giving to a worthy cause, it can be fun and rewarding.
DID YOU KNOW? By creating a tiltify account you can keep track of all your donations throughout the year!
Want to find other people fundraising with Tiltify? Head over to our official Discord!
Need to start your fundraising journey? Head to to create your first campaign and support the cause you care about today!