When your campaign is complete (or if you just want to stay ahead of the game), there are many reasons for you to want to download a complete list of all the donations made to your fundraiser. This article will outline how to do so.
Why should I download my report?
As the campaign organizer, there are many reasons why you should download your donor report. For major organizations, this report can serve as an individual breakdown of each donation for statistical purposes: number of donations made, peak hours for donations, frequency of donations, average donation amount, etc. can all be calculated from this report. These reports also contain transaction IDs, which can be used to identify donations and address any potential issues involving a particular one.
How to download your Donation report
To download your donation report, navigate over to your Campaign Dashboard, go to the Donations tab, and click the 'Download report' link. This will download a csv file to your computer. Please be aware that donation reports don't have the donor's email address.
Looking for donor information to fulfill rewards? You can download the Rewards report by going to the Incentives tab of your dashboard, clicking on Rewards, and clicking the 'Download report' link on the Rewards page. This report will have information such as the donor's postal address and email address so that you can send them any rewards they redeemed with their donation.
Please Note: Use whichever spreadsheet viewing program you prefer to view your reports- but please keep in mind that this file contains sensitive information about all of your donors!
This is the only place campaign organizers can find the shipping information of donors that redeem any rewards requiring a physical address, so make sure you treat this information carefully! This file can also be super useful when determining what works/does not work, trends in donations, and what best works for particular communities - so consider donating your donor report and looking over some of those details to improve on your next fundraiser!