Incentives are a great way to encourage your community to donate to your campaigns! In this article, we will be covering setting Targets (Formerly Known as Challenges) and how you can use them to maximize your fundraising potential!


What are Targets?

Targets are "micro" goals you can set within your campaign, often timed to create a sense of urgency for fundraising. 

Similar to how Milestones can be used to challenge your community to hit a certain fundraising goal for the overall fundraising campaign, Targets allows you to create multiple goals for your community to try and hit. 

Targets can set their own totals and must be donated specifically in order to complete their specific goal - allowing you to create multiple Targets at once and enabling your community to donate to what they care about the most!

Adding a Target

There are two ways to add targets to your campaign: Creating a new target, or importing targets from another campaign.

Creating a New Target

You can create a new target by clicking the 'Create a Target' button. Fill out the Name, Target Amount, and end date/time for the Target. The end time allows you to set a cutoff time for donations, which is handy for marathon-type events that require setup/planning time in case a Target is hit! Don’t forget to switch the status to Active!

Importing Targets

Have targets on one of your campaigns you want to add to your new campaign? You can import targets from your other campaigns using the 'Import targets' link next to the 'Create a target' button! This will copy the targets with all the same information and setting the targets have on your other campaign!


The ability to set Target incentives for your community and allowing them to dictate what they really want to see can be a valuable asset in your fundraising campaign, so consider setting Target Goals in your next event!

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Need to start your fundraising journey? Head to to create your first campaign and support the cause you care about today!