Table of Contents

Bidding Requirements

To be able to bid in an auction, the following are required:

  • Logged in to a verified Tiltify account (email verified)
  • A valid Credit Card
  • Address

Bidding Process

Finding the auction is as simple as going to the shared link for the auction. When you get to an auction house, it will look as below. It will have the items you can bid on under the header [Auction Items], Select the item you want to make a bid.


When on the item screen, if you are not logged in to an account, you will be prompted at the top to log in. If you are logged in and missing either credit card or address information, that will prompted here as well.

If there are no bids on an item, there will be the minimum bid listed above the donation box. Please note that if you bid above that amount, it will default to the minimum bid until outbid.

As with donations to a campaign, bidders have the option to remain anonymous and to opt in to allowing the cause to contact them.

Once your bid is made, you will receive an email confirmation that your bid is the top bid. There may be times when you will receive an email right after that stating you have been outbid. That means someone either had a maximum bid that was higher, or someone came in later and outbid you. The item page will appear as below stating that you have been outbid.

Winning Bid

If you are the winning bidder, you will receive an email that will congratulate you for winning the auction item. The email will be titled "Congratulations, you have won an auction!" or similar. 

If the automatic payment fails you will need to return to your dashboard to pay for the auction item. This can be found under My Account > Donations > Auction Bids > Won Items.

How do I complete the donation for an item I won?

If your donation does not automatically complete, you will need to go to your dashboard and find the item under My Account > Donations > Auction bids > Won items.  

Learn more about managing your bids and donations here.

A [Pay now] will appear next to items you have won and still need to be completed. Use the [Pay now] button to complete your donation. 

There will then be a prompt to select the payment option to be used. If your account already has multiple payment options, you can select from the dropdown menu the card you wish to be used. If it is not listed, you can click use another card

Once you have added your card, click [Donate] to process your payment. You may be asked to verify your identity with a push notification, a text message, or another method chosen by your bank.

Bidding Increments

Bid increments are smaller when the bid price is low and larger in higher price brackets.

Current price

Bid increment



















$5000.00 and up


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Need to start your fundraising journey? Head to to create your first campaign and support the cause you care about today!

